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  Henkel Alodine 1200S Chromate Conversion Coating #680-110
Chemical Name:
Alodine 1200S
Chromate Conversion Coating


Detailed Product Description:


Henkel Alodine®1200S is a highly concentrated powdered chemical composition


used to create immersion baths for application of a protective conversion coating


on aluminum surfaces.





Alodine® is a registered trademark of Henkel Surface Technologies and is a chemical


treatment process for aluminum used to provide corrosion protection and as a surface


preparation for paint and adhesives.  Sometimes called “aluminum passivation,” it


contains hexavalent chromium and is intended to provide corrosion prevention even


when left unpainted.  



Specification & Certifications:


Alodine®1200 methods and properties are defined in Mil-C-5541-F (NowAMS-C-5541)


and AMS-A-2473.  Additionally, Alodine® 1200S is listed on the Qualified Products List,





Application Notes:


The best results are achieved on wrought alloys (machined billet aluminum alloys).


Good results can also be achieved on type 356 aluminum castings.  Type 380 die


casting alloys do not alodine well, however.   It should also be noted that the


chemical film is fragile immediately after processing and a 24-hour waiting time


before handling the parts is preferable.



This is a visible coating that leaves the surface with a coloration ranging from a light


Iridescent gold to tan depending upon alloy and immersion time. 



Surface Preparation:


Consult Henkel “Technical Process Bulletin #0980” (see link below) for recommended


surface preparation.



Immersion Process:


Consult Henkel “Technical Process Bulletin #0980” (see link below) for recommended


coating process sequence and parameters. 





This is a powdered formulation.  Use respirator to prevent inhalation of dust when making up


immersion bath.  Read and understand the MSDS, downloadable below before using this







Comes packed in 10-pound (1-gallon-sized) metal can.


Also available in convenient 6.3 pound can (makes exactly 100 gallons) (see below)


Also available in 60 pound keg (see below)






Click here to download Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)



Click here to download Henkel Alodine® 1200S Technical Process Bulletin



Click here to download copy of Mil-DTL-5541F



Click here to download copy of Mil-DTL-81706



Click here to download copy of QPL-81706







  Detail Images